Category Archives: Struts2

The knowledge about Struts2

How to assign json object in Struts2

Have to say struts-json-plugin have do a lot of jobs for us. Here is the configuration for the backend.


I’ll skip the action part. The main part is the result tag.

<result type=”json”>

<!– This is the output json object, which should be one of the property of the action. Dont forget to new this object. –>
<param name=”root”>dataMap</param>

<param name=”excludeNullProperties”>true</param>

<param name=”includeProperties”>   userList.*</param>

<param name=”excludeProperties”>


Action part

private Map dataMap;

//getter and setter

public String execute() {

User user = new User();
user.setSay(“Hello world !”);
dataMap.put(“user”, user);

dataMap.put(“success”, true);

return SUCCESS;



How to know if a List’s size in Struts2 tag

In my last project, I forgot to judge the list’s size before loop it. So I got an Exception. Then I googled the following solutions.

1. To know if it’s empty:

<s:if test="%{productList.isEmpty()}">
    //if the list is empty
    <s:iterator value="productList">
      //if not empty, then do the loop

2. To know its size

<s:if test="%{productList.size() > 0}">
    //do the loop